The show explores the relationship between violence and acting out. Freud’s death drive has been described by Jean Baudrillard as a "nostalgia for a state before the appearance of individuality and sexual differentiation, a state in which we lived before we became mortal and distinct from one another". Baudrillard discusses this subconscious desire in relation to the project of science and technology, which he suggests, is driven by a quest for immortality, exemplified through cloning and cryogenics. Science and technology also have the effect of manifesting homogenous and uniform objects and experiences, which embody the formal qualities of the death drive. In this sense he suggests that the project of science is "to reconstruct a homogenous and uniformly consistent Universe." This clone of the real world, in a technological form, embodies the formal qualities that satisfy the death drive; repetition and homogeneity.
The show will explore the
relationship between Baudrillard’s notion that science and technology produce
objects and experiences that embody the death drive and Freud’s notion that the
death drive leads people to re-enact (act out) and repeat traumatic
experiences. This relationship can
be realized by viewing technology as a form of performance or acting. The resultant technological object /
experience is a kind of travesty, a fake or re-enactment of nature. The works in the show will explore the
new sanitised invention of the world, our technologically mediated environment,
the environment in which abject and mucky nature has been eradicated. This environment is presented as a
world in which the death drive is satisfied, where violence and the abject have
been displaced through a technological, man made infrastructure, suggesting
that, through our engagement in a technologically mediated world, we have
suppressed our fear of mortality and absolved ourselves of responsibility,
distorting our relationship with the origins of all our actions; “real,”
unmediated nature.
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